GVTA Committees
Public Relations
Chair: Sophie Van Etten, LVT (Webmaster, Social Media Manager)
The Public Relations Committee coordinates social media campaigns (Mental Health May, Vet Tech Week, Veterinary Assistant Week, Practice Manager Week, World Veterinary Day, etc)
The Public Relations Committee also oversees GVTA merchandise
Continuing Education
Chair: Angel Martin, LVT (Member-at-large)
The Continuing Education committee coordinates the spring and fall conference, as well as other continuing education opportunities throughout the year.
Community Outreach
Co-Chairs: Kat Carman, LVT VTS (President-Elect) & Jessica Sewell, LVT (Vice President)
The Community Outreach committee coordinates the Grad Swag bags for graduating veterinary technician students. They also aspire to extend GVTA’s advocacy across GA